Email marketing is no longer optional in the marketing mix, but it’s not in the curriculum for most undergraduate or even graduate studies. Whether you’re doing email marketing now and just not sure if you’re doing it well, or you are a Jackie of all Trades, covering content marketing, social media marketing, and more in addition to email and need to get up to speed on email marketing fast, Jessica’s 1-hour presentation on what works in today’s fast-paced, mobile-focused, attention-deprived world will leave you with ways to improve what you’re doing in email right now.
“Oh. My. Email. She just completely changed my strategy for the better.”
– Mary Kate, American Marketing Association Lincoln Chapter
Past Presentations
Email 101
Email Marketing: The Good, the Bad, and the WOW, That Kicked A$$!
- Digitalium Marketing Conference
Bucharest, Romania - Content Marketing Conference
Boston, MA - One CoWork + Harbour.Space
Barcelona, Spain - American Marketing Association
Lincoln, NE | Des Moines, IA | Denver, CO - Social Media Club
Kansas City, MO | Lawrence, KS - Digital Book World’s Discoverability & Marketing Conference
New York City, NY - National Agricultural Marketing Association Conference
Chicago, IL
Email 201
8 Essentials of Great Email Marketing in Today’s Marketing Landscape
- Content Marketing Conference
Boston, MA - Kansas City Direct Marketing Association’s Direct Marketing Bootcamp
Kansas City, MO - American Advertising Federation
New Orleans, LA | Dubuque, IA - DMNews
Webinar - Nonprofit Connect
Kansas City, MO - Nonprofit Innovation and Optimization Summit
Fort Worth, TX
Burning Email Marketing Questions Answered: What They Don’t Teach in School
- American Society of Business Press Editors 2015
Email and Data-Driven Marketing (HS Course 411)
- Harbour.Space University
Barcelona, Spain